BQAF Media Tour Announced Fall 2024; Dear Black Gay Men Headlines
The Normal Anomaly Initiative has partnered with Dear Black Gay Men to launch the national BQAF Media Tour
The DBGM experience is coming to a city near you!
Starting this fall, Dear Black Gay Men will set out on the BQAF Media Tour alongside RelentlessAF Podcast. The tour Is presented by The Normal Anomaly Initiative. Our plan: pack out venues across the country hosted by Jai The Gentleman to remind Black queer folks how dope it is to be Black queer folks who love Black queer folks.
In 2022, I asked a boy out on a date that I was really looking forward to. I waxed my car, got a fresh fade, got flowers all in preparation for a brunch with “the guy”. I had planned to pick him up at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. He texts me at 11:37 to tell me that he couldn’t make it.
Instead of going into my “niggas ain’t shit” era, I set up my mic and camera and recorded a love letter to Black gay men to do better in dating. From there to a national tour seems weird.
The week after I posted that one-off episode of Dear Black Gay Men, somebody stopped me and said “I’ve been through the exact same thing.” What I know now is that our experiences navigating our dating, sexual, and cultural landscape are similar. And most of us are just looking for opportunity to share it.
This tour is our opportunity to laugh, share, and turn up with each other in person. The Normal Anomaly Initiative, who created one of the biggest turn ups in Black queer culture (BQAF Music Festival) has graciously partnered with Dear Black Gay Men to launch a five city tour coming this fall.
We started Dear Black Gay Men podcast to remind queer people how dope it is to be us and love us. The Normal Anomaly Initiative is the perfect partner to take that charge across the country. We’re so excited to have conversations for us and by us all across the south. Hopefully, in process, our culture will be able to see each other a little clearer, understand each other a little deeper, and turn up a little higher together.
Read the full press release here.
Can I tell you that I’m gagged—fully gagged at this news. Last week, Ian Haddock, Executive Director of The Normal Anomaly, and I were together in Houston and he gave me the best advice: consistency wins.
I’ve had this vision deep in my spirit for so long, but what I lacked was the faith to commit to the vision and the consistency to stick to it. We’ve been doing the podcast for 2 years now and we’re just getting started.
For those coming to a show, I can’t wait to see you live, and in-person. For those who may not be able to make it to one of our stops, the podcast is still new every Wednesday on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream podcasts. And we go live on Thursday on YouTube.
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